Daan Utsav is being celebrated throughout the country from 2nd Oct and will continue till 8th October 2017. This is a volunteering movement with the motive of spreading happiness and not just money. The movement focuses on short and quick acts, that make people experience the joy of giving, helping , and making others happy.
Furthermore, it is being celebrated in more than 150 cities with more than 1.50 crore people involved in it.
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” @daanutsav pic.twitter.com/MrWab8ZN90
— #LucknowPage3 (@WeLucknowPage) October 2, 2017
- The movement or the Utsav has completed 9 years of service.
- The Daan Utsav team attains their motive by organising various events
- which includes participation of general public, which in addition , helps in spreading their core message.
- Uttarpradesh.org will be bringing up the latest updates from the events
- happening at the Daan Utsav as being the Digital Media Partner of the event.
- On the day of launch, i.e., on 2nd October, Two organisations under the
- banner of Daan Utsav organised two events at different locations of the city.
- The first event was conducted at Clarks Hotel,named Oldies Day Out, which was for the elderly people
- whereas the 2nd event named The art of giving was carried out at
- Daliganj which focused on distributing clothes, food and other material to the underprivileged children.
- Furthermore, on Oct 3, i,e, the 2nd day of the festival, the main events include drawing competition for the kids of slums , distribution of sanitary pads by Inner Wheel Prerna and gomti and the Prithivi Utsav.
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Oldies Day Out:
- Team with a Dream, LIVE and Clarks Avadh Lucknow organised lunch for Dorothy Crosswaith home people.
- The event was named as Oldies Day Out and started at 2.00 p.m.
- 8 senior citizens from the old age home, were taken out for lunch to Clarks Awadh hotel.
- In addition to the lunch,. some fun activities were also conducted at the venue.
- The senior citizens felt loved and were happy to be invited.
- The core reason, again, was to bring up smiles on the faces of the senior society ,who deserve to be happy but for various reasons, miss being happy at their age and are forced to live a life away from their children and family.
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The Art of Giving:
- A Food, clothes and handbags drive took place at Daliganj.
- This was the second event of the day organised by Team with a Dream and LIVE under Daan Utsav.
- It was named as The Art of Giving,and started at 4.00 pm .
- This event was for all the people who wanted to donate clothes, toys ,handbags or any other useful thing .
- After collecting all the donated items, these were distributed amongst the underprivileged children.
- The children were also served food.
- This act not just focused on making the kids happy but also in making people experience the happiness they recive after the selfless act of giving.
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