Bollywood veteran filmmaker Shyam Benegal wishes good health and peace for ailing actor Dilip Kumar. On the other hand,While interacting with media,Akshay stated that there is no bigger actor than Dilip Kumar in this film industry.

Akshay Kumar along with his co-star Bhumi Pednekar and Yuva Sena chief, a youth wing of Shiv Sena Aditya Thackeray attended graduation of self defense program for women on Sunday in Mumbai.

Signs of improving health

  • The 96-year-old actor was admitted at the Lilavati hospital due to dehydration and urinary tract infection.
  • Five days after he was admitted legendary actor Dilip Kumar is now showing signs of improvement,
  • and besides his fans, wishing him speedy recovery is Bollywood filmmaker Shyam Benegal.
  • “He has had a full life; I only hope it gets better.
  • He has a peaceful life as much as possible and in reasonably good health because he is well over ninety
  • and for people like that the best you can want for them is to have good health and peace”
  • said Shyam Benegal on the sidelines of a panel discussion.

Also read:Toilet Ka Jugaad: Akshay Kumar’s latest song is a call to action!

  • Director Shyam Benegal also spoke about the newly formed panel to revamp the Censor Board,
  • the filmmaker said that panel has submitted the report but there is no response from the government.
  • While Akshay Kumar in an event said,”He is a legend… no doubt he is a legend. No one has bigger actor than him in the film industry.
  • We have been seeing him from black and white days onscreen so I feel we all should have
  • small prayer for him when we get time to pray that he gets well soon as fast as possible.”

Also read:Video: Akshay kumar’s advice to sister Alka on this Rakshabandhan

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