Is your kid finding it hard to be attentive in school? Beware, he or she may be suffering from farsightedness, researchers say.
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According to a study:
- Farsightedness or hyperopia — an eye problem where distant objects may be seen more clearly than objects that are near.
- Affects around four to 14 per cent of preschoolers.
- According to the study, preschoolers or kindergartners who suffer from hyperopia face attention problems that affect their academic performance.
- Such kids also face early learning problems.
- Preschool and kindergarten children with uncorrected farsightedness have decreased early literacy and face more deficits in addition.
- Hyperopia often goes undetected in younger children.
- Optical glasses are not always recommended in such cases, the researchers said.
- It’s important for us to identify these children.
- And especially identify those who are having learning difficulties because of their vision.
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- For the study the researchers tested preschool children with moderate farsightedness and normal vision.
- They evaluated the children on account of their attention.
- In addition,visual perception and the ability to integrate visual perception and motor skills (eye-hand coordination or copying skills).
- The study found that the children who were moderately farsighted scored more poorly in the attention-related tests.
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Shivani Arora
Author of न्यूज़ पोर्टल. entertainment, lifestyle page-3 and cultural events. book reader and Reporter