Eating a mushroom-rich breakfast may result in less hunger and a greater feeling of fullness, thereby helping you avoid consuming extra calories later, new research suggests.
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- The findings suggest that meat can be replaced by mushroom in some meals.
- As with previous published research, this study indicates there may be both a nutritional.
- And satiating benefit to either substituting mushrooms for meat in some meals or replacing some of the meat with mushrooms.
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- Because protein appears to be the most satiating macronutrient.
- According to the scientific literature, researchers wanted to match the amount of protein in the mushroom.
- And meat interventions to essentially control for the influence of protein on satiety.
- After matching the mushroom and meat by protein content, both ended up containing comparable amounts of calories as well.
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Objective of Study:
- The objective of the study was to assess the differences with satiety and a 10-day food intake between Agaricus bisporus mushrooms.
- The participants consumed two servings of mushrooms or meat for 10 days.
- Results showed a significant difference on satiety ratings between the mushroom and meat consumption.
- Participants reported significantly less hunger, greater fullness.
- And decreased prospective consumption after consuming a mushroom breakfast compared to a meat breakfast.
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Shivani Arora
Author of न्यूज़ पोर्टल. entertainment, lifestyle page-3 and cultural events. book reader and Reporter