Is your teenage son or daughter suffering from high blood pressure? Beware, if left uncontrolled the condition can lead to organ damage as in adults, according to a research.
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- The findings showed that organ damage damage to the heart and blood vessels.
- In addition,from high blood pressure does not only occur in adults, but also in teenagers.
- Importantly, the damage in teenagers occurs at blood pressure levels.
- That are below the clinical definition of hypertension in the age group, the researchers said.
- “Some adolescents may have organ damage related to blood pressure and are not targeted for therapy”.
- “Imaging of the heart may be useful in youth in the high-normal range of blood pressure to determine how aggressive therapy should be.”
- High blood pressure in teenagers is defined on the basis of percentiles, rather than blood pressure level as in adults.
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- In the study, the team looked at whether organ damage in teens develops below the 95th percentile — the clinical definition of high blood pressure in teenagers.
- The researchers examined blood pressure and measured organ damage in 180 teenagers.
- The results showed evidence of organ damage even among the youth categorised as “normal” with blood pressure less than in the 80th percentile.
- It also revealed heart and vessel damage in the mid-risk group.
- Furthermore,which had blood pressures in the 80th to 90th percentiles and the high-risk group, with blood pressures above the 90th percentile.
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Shivani Arora
Author of न्यूज़ पोर्टल. entertainment, lifestyle page-3 and cultural events. book reader and Reporter