There are ample of studies by reputed medical institutes published in world famous journals which prove that meditation is even more powerful than medication for sound emotional health. Meditation is the internal bathing and cleansing of the mind. People now consider stress, anxiety, anger issues and panic attacks as normal happenings in life.
What is Meditation?
- Meditation is the internal bathing and cleansing of the mind.
- Meditation is about coming to a profound stillness of body and spirit.
- Meditation may involve generating an emotional state for the purpose of analyzing that state such as anger, hatred, etc.
- In addition, cultivating a particular mental response to various phenomena, such as compassion.
Benefits of Meditation:
- Concentration in Researches increases and overall results improve.
- Improvement in memory and creativity.
- In addition,improvement in understanding and expression.
- Problem solving capacity increases.
- Furthermore, able to take right decisions and avoiding wrong ones.
- Better performance in sports and other activities.
- Development of self confidence and courage.
- Meditation reduces stress, anxiety, fear, frustrations, anger, aggression and suicidal tendencies.
- Meditation can combact stress easily.
- It helps in increasing IQ, SQ, EQ, and HQ.
- Meditation for 10-20 Min in Morning.
- In addition,Evening Regularly is rewarding.
Why to Meditate?
- If you feel stressed you need to meditate.
- If you unnecessarily worry too much.
- In addition, if you think you are worthless.
- If you feel hesitate to talk right thing at right time.
- These all are sign of that you need meditation.
- If you have low self esteem, lack in self-confidence and courage.
- If you feel confused or lost, then you need to meditate.
- If you think you have lot of anxieties.
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Kamal Tiwari
Journalist @weuttarpradesh cover political happenings, administrative activities. Blogger, book reader, cricket Lover. Team work makes the dream work.