Facial characteristics may reveal your attitude towards casual sex. New research has found that men with square and wide faces tend to have a higher sex drive than others, are more easy-going when it comes to casual sex and would consider being unfaithful to their partners.

Read also:Social environment can shape behaviours!


  • In fact showed that even women with shorter, wider faces tend to be more sexually motivated and to have a stronger sex drive than those with faces of other dimensions.
  • “Together, these findings suggest that facial characteristics might convey important information about human sexual motivations,” said lead researcher.
  • The study adds to a growing body of research that has previously shown that certain psychological.
  • And behavioural traits are associated with particular facial width-to-height ratios (known as FWHR).
  • Researchers attributed differences in facial proportions to variations in testosterone levels during particular developmental periods, such as puberty.This hormone plays a role in forming adult sexual attitudes and desires.

    In this paper, Arnocky and his colleagues showed the results of two separate studies conducted among students.


  • In the first, 145 undergraduates who were in romantic relationships at the time completed questionnaires about their interpersonal behaviour and sex drive.
  • The researchers also used photographs of the participants to determine their facial width-to-height ratio.
  • The second study involved 314 students and was an extended version of the first study.
  • In addition,which included questions about participants’ sexual orientation.
  • The chances of them considering infidelity, and their sociosexual orientation.
  • The latter is a measure of how comfortable participants are with the concept of casual sex that does not include love or commitment.

What findings suggest?

  • The findings suggest that width-to-height ratios can used to predict a measure of sexuality in both sexes.
  • Men and women with a high FWHR (therefore, square and wide faces) reported a greater sex drive than others.
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