Silver jewelry, along with gold jewelry, is quite popular amongst Indian women, actually it was always in trends. But nowadays silver is grabbing each and everyone’s attention, the reason is the classy look of it.

Apart from cities, it finds solace in the rural areas and tribal areas of the country as well. In fact, silver jewelry forms an integral part of the attire and dress of tribal people. Women in rural areas and tribal areas wear heavy silver jewelry. These heavy jewelries are meant for financial security during contingency, apart from being a source of adornment. The practice of making new jewelry by melting old silver jewelry is still practiced in major parts of India, but recently this trend has been reversed. Old silver jewelry is in demand and fashion now. Oxidized silver jewelry with traditional designs that gives old and rough look, is quite popular these days.

The USP of these ornaments is that they are light weight and of reasonable cost. The versatility can be observed in silver jewelry, as different states have indigenous influence over its design. Silver jewelry made at Kolhapur (Maharashtra), Hathras (UP), Salem (Tamil Nadu), and Rajkot (Gujarat) is of traditional design and of light weight. Such jewelry is quite popular all across the world, with large quantities being exported. Youngsters in cities can also be seen adorning themselves with silver jewelry, mainly owing to its wide variety and economical prices, as compared to gold and other jewelry.

For thousands of years, silver has been widely used for making ornaments, utensils and even used as basis for monetary systems. It’s recognized as a precious metal along with gold. The usage of the metal since the olden times is evident from the fact that the word “silver” is used in Anglo-Saxon literature as siolfor and seolfor . In Germanic languages also, the metal silver is referred to as silbir and silabar. The symbol Ag which is used for silver is taken from Latin language. The root for the word lies in Indo-European languages in which ‘arg’ refers to shining and white objects. 

A new era of silver is emerging, youth is getting attracted towards the usage of it. Our Bollywood divas are making it more popular among all by wearing it in public appearances.


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