All the five Branches of SKD Academy celebrated Mother’s Day on 8th may. Mother’s of Academy students were the special guest of this occasion. Furthermore, Principal and Teachers welcomed the Mothers present on the occasion by giving bouquet and gifts. Students of School From Pre Nursery to Sr. K.G participated in different events. In addition to that ,students of Class 1st to 5th presented Poems and dedicated songs to their Mothers. On the other hand, Students of Class 6th to 8th presented greeting cards to their Mothers.
Also read:“Namaste” : Painting Exhibition by Hyon Ju Kim & Damon Kowarsky
Mother’s day with lots of love
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- Meanwhile, on the occasion of Mother’s Day a special Painting competition was held at Lohiya Park
- approximate 100 students took part in painting competition and prepared different types of painting to dedicate their mothers.
- Adding to it Mother’s of the students also participated and enjoyed various activities like Musical chair,
- Super Mom Contest, Best Singer, Mother’s also share their thoughts and feeling on Motherhood.
- They got different prices for winning the competitions.
Director Mr. Manish Singh Speaking on the occasion told the students about the importance of mother in an individual’s life, - He further added “A Mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take”. Celebration ended with distribution of sweets.
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