Smartphone apps are an effective treatment option for depression, a finding which may pave the way for safe and accessible interventions for the millions of people with the mental disorder, researchers have confirmed.

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What study says?

  • The results showed that smartphones open up non-stigmatising and self-managing avenues of care for the people with depression.
  • Because smartphones can help them monitor, understand and manage their own mental health.
  • The majority of people in developed countries own smartphones.
  • Including younger people who are increasingly affected by depression,” said Expert.
  • Smartphone devices may ultimately be capable of providing instantly accessible and highly effective treatments for depression.
  • In addition,reducing the societal and economic burden of this condition worldwide.
  • Importantly, no difference was found in apps which apply principles of mindfulness compared to cognitive behavioural therapy or mood monitoring programmes.

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  • Apps, which are use as an “integrative medicine” approach.
  • In addition,can be particularly useful for improving mood.
  • And tackling symptoms in patients with a range of mental health symptoms.
  • Also conditions including major depression, mild to moderate depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety and insomnia, the researchers said.

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  • For the study, the team systematically reviewed 18 randomised controlled trials which examined a total of 22 different smartphones-delivered mental health interventions.
  • The studies involved more than 3,400 male and female participants between the ages of 18-59.
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