Flights can make your skin look dull and tired because air at high altitudes has less moisture, making the cabin air dry. Invest in good Vitamin E moisturisers, lip butters and drink water throughout your journey, suggest experts.

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Experts have listed a few pointers:

  •  Taking care of the skin becomes even more essential during air travel to avoid turbulence created by dry air.
  • To have long lasting and visible impact, it’s always a good idea to indulge in Vitamin E moisturiser.
  • As it protects and locks in moisture for all-day hydration.
  • If you are too lazy to apply moisturisers again and again.
  • In addition,go for a moisturiser with Vitamin E and hyaluronic acid as it possess the quality of 48 hours retention in it.
  • Harsh weather conditions and lack of moisture in air has a direct effect on the lips leaving them chapped.
  • And dry but one can easily avoid it by applying lip butter or lip gloss on lips.
  • Using a lip balm or lip butter with olive oil and coconut oil.
  • As the main ingredient is a great solution for crack-free and moisturised lips.
  • Apart from just giving a glossy look. An almond cream is ideal for the lips.
  • Both olive oil and coconut oil are a great source of Vitamin E.
  • Furthermore,which helps the lips with proper nourishment and well required shield against the dry weather conditions.
  • The most important thing is to drink enough water even before you board the flight, and continue to guzzle water throughout.
  • It’s a great way to counteract the dry conditions inside the flight.
  • If you can stand it, leave the skin nearly naked for long haul flight journeys.
  • If one has to be ready upon arrival, keep a little make-up case with you with some concealer and foundation and apply right before you land.
  • One can accentuate the look by adding a dash of kajal or liner to the eyes.

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Remember to take your sunscreen lotion. An anti-tan sunscreen would be good. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going out. If you are out in the sun for more than an hour, re-apply the sunscreen. You may also need moisturiser, hand cream and lip balm.
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  • When you travel by air, you may have to sit for long hours.
  • Avoid tight clothes.
  • Your feet will also suffer, so try to keep them raised with some support, to help circulation and prevent fatigue.
  • You can try a few foot exercises while sitting.

    Wiggle your toes and make circular motions with your feet. Occasionally take a walk down the aisle, to stretch yourself. Also, try to relax and ease your tensions. Sit and do some deep breathing. It really helps to calm you.

  • Eat light meals during the flight. Salads and fruits help to ward off symptoms of jet-lag.
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