According to the emergency service staff, GVK-EMRI shows excess number of employees and inflated pay scales. Which somewhere gives hint of a scam.
Manipulating figures and accounts(108 Ambulance Scam) :
- The 108 emergency services in Uttar Pradesh being run by GVK-EMRI is bogged down in yet another controversy.
- If we believe into the statements of their employees,
- The emergency medical service has been juggling with figures and manipulating financial accounts.
- Satyam Computer had provided the technology base for EMRI (Emergency Management Research Institute) since 2005.
- EMRI had Satyam’s commitment for free technology support.
- Employees in the state that the main scam is happening by juggling with figures and manipulating financial accounts,
- Which is being done at the Command Office.
- According to the employees, a total of working in the ‘108’ emergency services like emergency medical technicians (EMTs),
- Along with pilots and staff working with the call center attached to the service does not match with the exact numbers.
Watch The Video Here
- GVK-EMRI is allegedly disbursing salaries to more staff members than actuals.
- This means that the EMRI is showing many staff members as excess, the employees say.
- The scales of salaries claimed by the GVK-EMRI are sham.
- One can understand the scale of scam by the earlier investigations by #WeUttarPradesh since a year….link below…
फर्जी मरीजों की एंट्री कर ले लिया भुगतान, जांच में खुलासे के बाद FIR के आदेश!
- Staff members alleges that EMRI has been showing many non-existing staff members.
- Along with this they are even showing that they were paying salaries.
- In a startling revelation GVK-EMRI which is offering 108 emergency ambulance service to the poor and the needy on behalf of the state government has purportedly committed crores of rupees scam in the maintenance of the said ambulances.
- According to a revelation from the insiders of the firm the company had siphoned of several crores in a span of just three months in the name of fuel charges and submitted fake bills to claim from the state government.
108 और 102 एम्बुलेंस सेवा में धांधली, 55 CMO का वेतन रुका!
- The insiders say that if State Govt does an independent audit of 108 Ambulance service by GVK-EMRI,
- Then only the real scam can come out. It is currently being fudged by manipulating the Software which records all data.
108 सेवा को ऑपरेट करने वाले कर्मचारियों ने दिया आत्मदाह करने की धमकी!
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#108 ambulance service
#108 emergency ambulance service
#emergency service staff
#EMRI (Emergency Management Research Institute)
#excess number of employees
#finance minister arun jaitley presented union budget 2017 at loksabha today.
#GVK-EMRI are sham
#GVK-EMRI scam
#inflated pay scales
#Manipulating Accounts
#manipulating financial accounts
#Satyam Computer
#scales of salaries
#state government
#technology base
#Uttar Pradesh
Anil Tiwari
#NewsJunkie #PoliticalAnalyst #Investigative #Techie #InsideStory, Always Learning and Love to help .